

Sodium Bicarbonate Plants

The process of neutralising the fumes emitted by waste-to-energy plants, known as Solvay NEUTREC, is based on the dry injection into the fumes to be purified of sodium bicarbonate, suitably ground and with activated carbon additives.

SIC has developed a line of plants for the micronisation of sodium bicarbonate and its additivation with activated carbon, using the experience gained in the field of mineral micronisation and precision powder dosing systems.

To micronise sodium bicarbonate, “S” series mills modified with an anti-stacking additive nebulisation system and loss-in-weight micro batchers for dosing activated carbon are used.

The simplicity of the plant designed by SIC lies in the possibility of using the same air flow used to carry out particle size selection in the selector mill to perform the enrichment with activated carbon and the final injection of the prepared mixture into the reactor.

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l 

Via San Francesco D'Assisi 49/51
20073 - Opera (MI) Italy
+39 02 5760 4767

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SIC LIME Pvt Ltd India

Room 1402 - 14th floor
Sidco Global Tower-CN-8/2
Sector 5 - Salt Lake City
700091 Kolkata - India
+91 877 783 4067

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l  e SIC Lime Pvt India | P.I. IT07583530154 | t. +39 02 5760 4767

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