

Hydrate Dissolution Plants

The intensified use of hydrated lime (Ca (OH)2) for the neutralisation of pollutants in liquid and gaseous waste water has led SIC to develop a series of experiences in the field of wet preparation of the reagents required for neutralisation.

The dissolution plants produce the wet mixture of hydrated lime and activated carbon, according to the weight percentages and concentrations required by the downstream process.

Both continuous and batch plants can be realised by SIC, with constant monitoring of the process parameters and their tuning to manage deviations from the set values.

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l 

Via San Francesco D'Assisi 49/51
20073 - Opera (MI) Italy
+39 02 5760 4767

Managing Director

Sales & Marketing

Engineering & Projects

Finance & Administration

SIC LIME Pvt Ltd India

Room 1402 - 14th floor
Sidco Global Tower-CN-8/2
Sector 5 - Salt Lake City
700091 Kolkata - India
+91 877 783 4067

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l  e SIC Lime Pvt India | P.I. IT07583530154 | t. +39 02 5760 4767

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