
SIC is a reference company in the world of lime that you can address to for any need, certain to always find prompt assistance, courtesy and professionalism.

Support from the company that :

  • has been a lime producer for over a century and a half and has directly managed three production plants.
  • knows the real daily problems of a plant, having experienced them daily as quarry operators.
  • has acquired real knowledge in the field and transformed it into experience..


We know how critical it can be to have information and spare parts “on time”.

A historical data archive enables us to reliably trace components from our plants, even if they were manufactured many decades ago.

We keep a codified archive of all the components supplied in our plants for accurate and rapid traceability of spare parts.

In the event of obsolescence of certain components, our technical department can study alternative or improved solutions.


A well-equipped laboratory in our headquarters allows us to carry out specific chemical, physical and industrial simulation tests.

For more complex analyses or tests, we are supported by specific laboratories at the Milan University of Technology.

Our technical staff is able to interpret the precise values coming from the laboratories, drawing application indications.


A highly professional and trained interdisciplinary staff is always available to our customers for remote or on-site assistance.

In existing plants, our engineering staff can carry out due diligence to assess the possibility of upgrading or revamping the plant in order to find solutions to problems or restore it to profitability.


We arrange theory and practical training courses and seminars for our customers’ technicians both at our premises and on site.

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l 

Via San Francesco D'Assisi 49/51
20073 - Opera (MI) Italy
+39 02 5760 4767

Managing Director

Sales & Marketing

Engineering & Projects

Finance & Administration

SIC LIME Pvt Ltd India

Room 1402 - 14th floor
Sidco Global Tower-CN-8/2
Sector 5 - Salt Lake City
700091 Kolkata - India
+91 877 783 4067

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l  e SIC Lime Pvt India | P.I. IT07583530154 | t. +39 02 5760 4767

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