

SIC offices are located close to Milan, Italy’s largest industrial and technological city, in order to have easy access and exchange with all the most advanced research centres.

The offices are located in a protected nature reserve called “Parco agricolo Sud”, where there are strict environmental regulations that companies must comply with.

For many years, SIC has been working on technological solutions that, while respecting the needs of economic viability of plants, can operate in an environmentally friendly way.

SIC cooperates with the world’s leading players in the construction of flue gas and water treatment plants.

  • Hydration plants for the production of high specific surface area hydroxide
  • Milk of Lime production plants
  • Sodium bicarbonate micronisation plants for gas neutralisation using the Solvay process
  • Lime hydrate dissolution and activated carbon enrichment plants

Thanks to its great knowledge of lime history, SIC co-operates with the main Italian Universities and research centres for the rediscovery of traditional materials used for restoration or for bio-construction with low environmental impact materials.

  • Lime putty
  • Wet mortars
  • Venetian stuccoes
  • Lime-based paints
  • Hydraulic lime

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l 

Via San Francesco D'Assisi 49/51
20073 - Opera (MI) Italy
+39 02 5760 4767

Managing Director

Sales & Marketing

Engineering & Projects

Finance & Administration

SIC LIME Pvt Ltd India

Room 1402 - 14th floor
Sidco Global Tower-CN-8/2
Sector 5 - Salt Lake City
700091 Kolkata - India
+91 877 783 4067

Società Impianti Calce S.r.l  e SIC Lime Pvt India | P.I. IT07583530154 | t. +39 02 5760 4767

Web engineering and design by Sernicola Labs